Tag Archives | Railway Noise

Railway Noise: Subject Matter, Sources and Future Developments

After reading this article you will learn about Railway Noise:- 1. Subject Matter of Railway Noise 2. Sources of Railway Noise 3. Annoyance Caused 4. Air-borne Noise 5. Reduction 6. Breaking Mechanism 7. Passenger Noise 8. Future Developments. Contents: Subject Matter of Railway Noise Sources of Railway Noise Annoyance Caused by Railway Noise Air-borne Noise Reduction of Railway Noise Breaking [...]

By |2016-06-11T08:32:44+00:00June 7, 2016|Noise Pollution|Comments Off on Railway Noise: Subject Matter, Sources and Future Developments

Top 3 Ways to Reduce Railway Noise | Noise Pollution

This article throws light upon the top three ways to reduce railway noise. The ways are: 1. Use of Noise Barriers 2. Rubber-Tyred Wheels 3. Underground Railways. Reduce Railway Noise: Way # 1. Use of Noise Barriers: In principle, the surroundings adjacent to a particular stretch of railway tracks could be quietened by erecting a noise barrier alongside the tracks [...]

By |2016-06-11T08:37:30+00:00June 7, 2016|Noise Pollution|Comments Off on Top 3 Ways to Reduce Railway Noise | Noise Pollution
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